Whether you are coming back for your last semester or attending your first class, the Center for Health and Counseling is excited to welcome you for Fall semester 2017!
As you prepare yourself for classes we wanted to share some healthy living tips to ensure that you have a healthy and successful semester.
Keep your body healthy!
When surrounded by thousands of other students on campus and sharing classroom space, spreading colds and viruses is easy if you're not careful. These tips can help keep you from getting sick.
● Wash your hands. Studies have shown that simple hand washing can help prevent a large number of illnesses. So wash your hands, especially any time you'll be touching your nose, mouth or eyes or if you've been around others who are sick.
● Don't go to class. If you're sick, don't force yourself to go to class. It will only make you feel worse and infect other students. Email your professors that you're ill and stay home and rest, trust me, they will appreciate it.
● Get to the doctor. If you have symptoms that aren't showing any signs of clearing up within a few days, you may need to take a trip to the Center for Health and Counseling. A simple cold can turn into something much worse if left alone, so seek help if you aren’t feeling any better. And don’t worry about it breaking the bank, a visit to the CHC medical clinic is only $10!
● Drink lots of fluids. Colds and flu can wreck havoc on your body, often depriving it of much needed fluids. Replenish these by drinking plenty of water you’re feeling under the weather.
● Get a flu shot. With so many germs around, sometimes getting a flu shot is the best thing you can do to avoid getting sick. The CHC offers the flu shot every year at a reduced price!

Keep your mind healthy!
Students can get run down with so much going on. These tips can help you beat the stress.
● Create a routine. If you get yourself in the habit of studying, working out, and sleeping at certain hours, it will be easier to fit in all the things you need to do in a day without feeling too stressed out.
● Give yourself a break. If you've been working steadily for hours, give your eyes and mind a chance for a rest by taking a break. You can come back feeling more refreshed and ready to go.
● Understand you can't do everything. While you might want to go to class, work, play a sport, and participate in clubs and social activities, the reality is that sooner or later you're going to get run down by trying to do so much. Focus on doing the things you truly love and forget about the rest.
● Get help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, feel free to reach out and ask for help. At $10 a session our licensed clinical social workers and psychologist here at the CHC are available to talk at any time.
● Take advantage of campus resources and programs. The Center for Health and Counseling offers a wide variety of services that can help you destress, including massages for only $10!
We hope you will use these tips and take advantage of the resources and services the Center for Health and Counseling offers. We are always here to make sure that you are able to be your most successful self!
Good luck on your new semester and welcome back!
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