Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Friday, September 8, 2017
Whether you are coming back for your last semester or attending your first class, the Center for Health and Counseling is excited to welcome you for Fall semester 2017!
As you prepare yourself for classes we wanted to share some healthy living tips to ensure that you have a healthy and successful semester.
Keep your body healthy!
When surrounded by thousands of other students on campus and sharing classroom space, spreading colds and viruses is easy if you're not careful. These tips can help keep you from getting sick.
● Wash your hands. Studies have shown that simple hand washing can help prevent a large number of illnesses. So wash your hands, especially any time you'll be touching your nose, mouth or eyes or if you've been around others who are sick.
● Don't go to class. If you're sick, don't force yourself to go to class. It will only make you feel worse and infect other students. Email your professors that you're ill and stay home and rest, trust me, they will appreciate it.
● Get to the doctor. If you have symptoms that aren't showing any signs of clearing up within a few days, you may need to take a trip to the Center for Health and Counseling. A simple cold can turn into something much worse if left alone, so seek help if you aren’t feeling any better. And don’t worry about it breaking the bank, a visit to the CHC medical clinic is only $10!
● Drink lots of fluids. Colds and flu can wreck havoc on your body, often depriving it of much needed fluids. Replenish these by drinking plenty of water you’re feeling under the weather.
● Get a flu shot. With so many germs around, sometimes getting a flu shot is the best thing you can do to avoid getting sick. The CHC offers the flu shot every year at a reduced price!

Keep your mind healthy!
Students can get run down with so much going on. These tips can help you beat the stress.
● Create a routine. If you get yourself in the habit of studying, working out, and sleeping at certain hours, it will be easier to fit in all the things you need to do in a day without feeling too stressed out.
● Give yourself a break. If you've been working steadily for hours, give your eyes and mind a chance for a rest by taking a break. You can come back feeling more refreshed and ready to go.
● Understand you can't do everything. While you might want to go to class, work, play a sport, and participate in clubs and social activities, the reality is that sooner or later you're going to get run down by trying to do so much. Focus on doing the things you truly love and forget about the rest.
● Get help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, feel free to reach out and ask for help. At $10 a session our licensed clinical social workers and psychologist here at the CHC are available to talk at any time.
● Take advantage of campus resources and programs. The Center for Health and Counseling offers a wide variety of services that can help you destress, including massages for only $10!
We hope you will use these tips and take advantage of the resources and services the Center for Health and Counseling offers. We are always here to make sure that you are able to be your most successful self!
Good luck on your new semester and welcome back!
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Recipes to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo
Are you getting
ready to celebrate Cinco de Mayo (May
5th)? As with any holiday, you probably have a party planned with big
meals planned and alcohol.
Here are some
“fun” alternatives beverages without the alcohol and fewer* carbohydrates.
Mock Margarita’s
Serving Size: 4
1 6-ounce can frozen limeade concentration
¾ cup orange juice
2/3 cup unsweetened grapefruit juice
25-30 small ice cubes
1. If desired, rub rims of margarita
glasses with lime wedge; dip rims into a shallow dish of coarse salt
or sugar and shake off excess. Set aside.
2. In a blender, combine limeade
concentrate, orange juice, and grapefruit juice. Cover and blend until smooth.
With the blender running, gradually add ice cubes through the hole in the lid,
blending until slushy. If desired, tint with a few drops of green food
coloring. Pour into margarita glasses. If desired, garnish with citrus slices.
Makes 8 (4-ounce) servings
[Source: Diabetic
Size: 8 ounces
4 cups orange juice
1 ½ cups white or purple unsweetened grape juice
1 1-liter bottle ginger ale
2 cups cut-up fruit (such as oranges, lemons, limes, pineapple, seedless
grapes, peaches, and/or strawberries)
2 cups ice
1. In a large bowl or pitcher stir together
the orange juice and grape juice. Slowly pour in ginger ale; stir gently. Add
the fruit and ice cubes.
2. Ladle the juice mixture with the fruit
into tall glasses. Garnish with mint sprigs. Makes 10 (about 8-ounce) servings.
[Source: Diabetic Living]
What dishes do you
have planned for your meal?
Enjoy your favorite dishes, but the healthier
alternative to cut down on carbohydrates. How about you try Pepper-PorkTamales or flan**! Remember to be mindful of your portions and have
* Follow the links for the full recipes to go over the
amount of carbohydrates per serving and other nutritional information.
** This flan recipe has 29 g carbohydrates per serving while
most recipes use up to 52 g carbohydrates per serving.
By: Esteban Moreno
Friday, April 14, 2017
How to Conquer Stress
Being bogged down by thoughts and emotions takes a toll on your mental health. It seems easier to pretend it isn’t there or to tell people that you’re okay when you’re really not. But in doing this, your mind is left to wander and chances are you will end up making yourself feel worse and often more stressed than before!
One of the many outlets for stress is to let your artistic side flow. You don’t have to be someone with previous experience with an art form, because the point is to do what makes you personally feel better, not create the next portrait to hang in the Louvre.
Find something that sticks out to you, ignore your inner critic, and go for it.
It can be anything from working with your hands (cooking, drawing, sewing) to music (playing a new instrument or even just relaxing and listening) to taking a drive out of the city and taking pictures of your new surroundings.
Whatever it is, be present within yourself, take a breath, and allow yourself to become absorbed into a new hobby.
By: Alex Edmunds
Monday, April 10, 2017
Meditation and Relaxation
With finals week approaching and the stress inevitably
coming, try some meditation exercises to relax, think clearer, and reduce
This can take as little as 5 minutes or up to 30 minutes if you choose, whatever you feel you need to become relaxed.
Ways to Prepare:
a quiet, calm, and relaxing place. Preferably find a place where electronics
are either not there or if they are they are not distracting. Meditation is
something you can do anywhere such as school, work, or home.
What can Meditation do for you?
can reduce stress, fears, and anxiety. Meditation can also deepen sleep,
stimulate clearer thinking, and enhance our creativity.
What are the types of Meditation?
are over 30 different types of meditation that you can do. Some of the most
common, easy, and stimulating meditations are; deep breathing, guided
relaxation, mindfulness meditation, and yoga. Meditation is able to take us out
of the world and our stress for a few minutes and let us just breathe, relax,
and be calm.
Where can you find these exercises?
easiest and cheapest way to find guided relaxation and mindfulness meditation
is to search on Youtube for them. Deep breathing can also be googled or you can
do the 4 second inhale, 4 second hold, and 4 second exhale. Yoga is either done
by also a Youtube video or you can sign up for a class at school or a gym.
By: Lexi Koplin
Monday, April 3, 2017
School and Social Stressors!
Are you finding yourself stressing out about that
presentation that you should do for your final? Do you have anxiety about group
projects? Is it even worth it to make friends, and should you make time for
them? Is being social too much work?
If you have been the one asking these questions, I might
have some answers that will hopefully aid you to the point of relaxation, as
well as being able to understand the importance of having a social life.
Q: Why do teachers make me do presentations? How can I
present in an interesting manner?
A: One reason being is because once you start teaching the
material yourself, you come to understand the material better. Another may be
because since you are a college student and you think like a college student,
teaching to your peers because the though process is the same, perhaps you may
be able to answer questions that others may have but are too afraid to ask.
couple tips to presenting…..
1. Don’t read word for word what you have on a PowerPoint
slide. Everyone can read for themselves. Put a couple of key points on each
slide, or perhaps a picture related to the topic instead.
2. Use a bigger font. Small words/small font=people will
fall asleep. If it too hard to read at first glance, nobody will try hard to
read it. Use big font and not too bright or dark of letters.
3. Use more animation in your voice because we have all been
in lectures where the professor had the same voice the whole time.. It is hard
to pay attention. Move around the room & face the crowd. Movement cause the
students to follow where you go, which in turn creates some sort of focus.
Try it!
Being social can relieve stress!
After having your designated study time, take a moment to
talk to a family member, go out to dinner, call someone on the phone or
facetime. Taking a moment to talk to someone, allows your brain to take a break
and engage in something else that it less taxing.
The key is to talk to people
who are not stressful people or that cause you anxiety. The saying “surround
yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel,
because energies are contagious,” could not be more important. A challenge to
you would be, figure out who those people are to you.
By: Brittany Parry
Monday, March 27, 2017
Let’s Unite for World TB Day
Globally, two billion people are infected with tuberculosis (TB), the world’s leading infectious disease killer.
TB is deadly and it can also be resistant to antibiotics. Each year, half a million cases across the globe are drug-resistant, meaning the drugs used to treat TB will not kill the bacteria. Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) is the deadliest and most dangerous type. It is resistant to at least four of the best anti-TB drugs and has spread worldwide. Now in more than 105 countries worldwide, XDR-TB is at least 20 times costlier to treat and takes more than two years to cure. In most places, less than half of all patients treated are cured, with death rates as high as 80 percent.
On March 24, join CDC and its partners as we unite to end this deadly disease. Help us educate the public about TB and how it can be stopped.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Tips to getting a better night sleep.
Getting a better night sleep can consist of a better routine before bed, exercise, nutrition, relaxation, and sleep positions.
Some routine ideas can include reading, listening to calming music, journaling, taking
a nice bath, or drinking some sleep tea.
Nutrition can affect our night sleep. Drink less caffeine and eat less sugar. Don't eat right before bed, it turns the food into fat instead of using it as energy for our
body. Instead, have a light snack or drink such as a glass of water and apple.
Exercising can also put a big strain on our night
sleep. The National Sleep Foundation states you shouldn’t exercise 3 hours
prior to bed. This is because when we exercise we increase our body temperature
and it energizes you. Your body temperature needs to
be cool to fall asleep and relaxed not energized. This can differ
person to person. If you are able to exercise an hour before and have no
problems sleeping then go for it, this is only a suggestion.
Ever have nights that you lie wide awake
with no hope of falling asleep? Try this easy trick, while you are laying in bed do some deep breathing, guided
imagery, and progressive relaxation. An
example of this is inhaling for 4 seconds, holding it for 4 seconds, and
exhaling for 4 seconds. Doing this 6 times through helps to relax and bring you
into the sleeping state of mind.
By: Lexi Koplin
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Top 3 Sleep Solutions!
Do you sleep too much? Do you doze off in class? Is there a better way to nap? We have the answers to all your questions!
First off, is there such a thing as too much
sleep? According to the National Sleep Foundation, they answered yes. This is
for the people that sleep 11 hours or more a night, day in and day out. This
may be a result that the quality of sleep that you are getting is poor, which
might mean that you have sleep apnea or a chemical imbalance. If this is you,
please seek medical attention.
Secondly, can you fight the urge to sleep when it
isn’t appropriate i.e. in the middle of an in-class lecture? YES! You can!
There are a couple of things that you could do to fight the urge. If you have a
piece of gum, pop that in your mouth. If you are typing on your computer,
switch to writing, bounce your leg, tap your toes, switch positions that you
have been sitting in for the last hour, excuse yourself briefly and get up to
go get a couple of gulps of water. All of these things that are listed are so
simple but just might have a GIANT impact.
Last, but definitely not least, is there a trick
to napping? Sure thing! For those of you that may not have gotten enough sleep
previously at night, a nap can be a great solution. The trick is the length of
your nap will determine the effectiveness. The recommended length is either 20
minutes or 90 minutes. The benefits with a 20 minute snooze will enhance motor
skills versus 90 minutes where this will help make new connections in the brain
and can aid in solving creative problems stated by the National Sleep
Foundation. #ChoosetoSnooze
For more sources check out:
By: Brittany Parry
Monday, March 6, 2017
Are You Sleeping Enough?
Do you feel you are getting enough sleep? Students are deeply pressured to do
well in school while oftentimes being employed at the same time. Therefore, sleep
is commonly neglected or limited even though it is crucial for your mental
& physical health, as well as injury prevention.
Don’t endanger yourself & others by
getting behind the wheel too drowsy! A lack of sleep will impair your reaction
time, judgement, mood while driving & vision. It is no surprise that drowsy
drivers are responsible for 21% of fatal crashes each year. Those responsible
are typically 15-24 or 75-79 years old and these accidents commonly occur
between the hours of 6am-7:59am & 2:00pm-5:59pm. [Source: Highway
Individuals should
be getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you sleep 1-2 hours less than the
recommended time, you are 1.3 times more likely
to be in an accident while sleeping 2-3 hours less increases your risk by 3 times! [Source: AAA Foundation]
The people that
are tired behind the wheel are those do not sleep enough, have undiagnosed
sleeping disorders, take medication, and shift workers that work night shifts
or long shifts [Source: CDC].
If you do end up losing sleep, be prepared for the multiple effects. There is a
relationship between mood and sleep. Losing sleep may cause or enhance feelings
of stress, irritability, motivation, anger, and depression. Could this impact
how you drive? In reverse, mood & depression can lead to sleep problems as
well. As a student, you may have already experienced this. How many nights have
stress & anxiety prevented you from falling asleep?
If falling asleep is impacting your daily living, schedule an
appointment with a counselor at the Center for Health & Counselor!
Prevent an accident by:
Pulling over to nap for 15-20 minute or switching
Even better, improving your sleeping habits to
get enough sleep. Learn more about sleep by visiting the “Choose to Snooze” event on March 9th from 11am-1pm at
the Student Event Center.
Learn more at http://drowsydriving.org/about/
By: Esteban Moreno
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